February 2, 2012

30 before 30

With my 26th birthday quickly approaching I started thinking about the year to come.  I decided to go back to my list of "30 before 30" to think about where I've been and where I'm going.  Mike and I decided to create these lists together and it was such an amazing experience.  To just sit and talk about what you hope for for your lives in the near future is so exciting.  Here's my current list, I'm sure it will be edited and re-edited a zillion times...but life's about changes. 

make your list. xo 

Liz’s 30 Before 30

1. Buy a new car (not brand new)
2. Have 2 babies (and then one more after)
3. Buy a house
4. Plant a garden- in the ground
5. Get a REAL job- it might not be teaching and that’s ok
6. Fall back in love with Yoga
7. Take Mike back to London
8. Take a road trip
9. Find/Go to a church I like
10. Blog
11. Visit Washington D.C.
12. Visit Charleston/Savannah
13. Learn how to cook meat…even though I don’t really want to
14. Learn Spanish with Mike
15. Hold a headstand for 30 seconds
16. Start a budget
17. Move somewhere we LOVE
18. Have Stella off leash
19. Love Mike to pieces
20. Have Friday date night
21. Learn how to golf
22. Read and read and read
23. Make a pot
24. Go whitewater rafting/canoeing
25. Find something active to do that Mike & I both enjoy
26. Meet friends where we live
27. Make amazing art
28. Spend lots of time with the people I love
29. Write more thank yous- just because
30. Go camping with Mike and Trumpet

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this liz :) and that is a very realistic and doable list. I say go for it and stick to it....and if you need help with some of them...ill be happt to help you cross another off :) I love you liz xo
