January 20, 2012

if you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.

 Great potential news!  I got asked to take a long term sub job in kindergarten at one of my favorite schools today.  If all goes well I will be starting around April.  I immediately started thinking about what MY kindergarten classroom would look like and peeked at my "classroom" Pinterest board and found this fabulous quote.  Then I got out my Martha paints and a canvas and got painting.  I look forward to hanging this behind my desk in a few months!

Sample paints from Home Depot (a great way to buy nice paints for crafts!) 

 The orangy color I used (butterscotch)

 Gray lettering (crevecoeur)

Penciled in the words before paint

 final product

Have a wonderful weekend, go make a snow angel! xo


  1. Too cold to make a snow angel but I might make a nice pot of gumbo!!!! I hope those little kinny-gardeners are lucky enough to have you for their teacher.....xoxoxoxo

  2. So cool!!!! It turned out perfect! I love it!...10 mins?
